NightWatch's Paranormal Glossary
Below is a work in progress which is used to define what we at nightwatch Paranormal believe are the meaning of the various terms included. This is intended to be used as a reference to aid in the communication between us and our clients. If you do not agree with the definitions feel free to contact us with your thoughts on the matter. If you feel there are terms that need to be included, again please contact us. This list will be updated and added to as required.
Apparition – used synonymous with the words ghost or spirit. When a person sees a spirit or captures on film that is in the form of a person. You can see the outfit they have on and their facial features and such. You can get partial apparitions (you can only see part of the body clearly) or full apparitions that you see the entire body. At times apparitions may appear so real that a person mistakes them for a live person and may even talk with them without realizing it.
Anomaly - Often used to describe evidence, this term refers to anything occurring outside of normal parameters that cannot
be explained. Be it an apparition in a photo or an EVP on a recorder or such.
Apport –The appearance of objects by apparently supernatural means. The phenomenon is often associated with a spiritualists' séance. Can also refer to the objects produced . The objects affected are often small in size.
Asport - The opposite of the apport phenomenon. Usually the disappearance of objects, which are often found near the original location but
did not arrive there by normal means. The objects affected are often small in size.
Astral Body – This is the part of you that leaves your body during astral project. Some people will tell you it is your soul or spirit leaving your
Astral Projection – Another term for an out of body experience (OBE). It is believed there is a place called the astral realm where you can visit at will or most people go there accidentally and say they were dreaming.
Astrology - the study that assumes and attempts to interpret the influence of the heavenly bodies on human affairs.
Attachment - A type of haunting where aspirit or entity attaching itself to a person, item or location.
Aura - a subtly pervasive quality or atmosphere seen as emanating from a person, place, or thing.
Automatic Writing – Automatic writing is done when in a trance like state. You write words, sentences, messages, etc without
being aware of what is being written.
Anomaly - Often used to describe evidence, this term refers to anything occurring outside of normal parameters that cannot
be explained. Be it an apparition in a photo or an EVP on a recorder or such.
Apport –The appearance of objects by apparently supernatural means. The phenomenon is often associated with a spiritualists' séance. Can also refer to the objects produced . The objects affected are often small in size.
Asport - The opposite of the apport phenomenon. Usually the disappearance of objects, which are often found near the original location but
did not arrive there by normal means. The objects affected are often small in size.
Astral Body – This is the part of you that leaves your body during astral project. Some people will tell you it is your soul or spirit leaving your
Astral Projection – Another term for an out of body experience (OBE). It is believed there is a place called the astral realm where you can visit at will or most people go there accidentally and say they were dreaming.
Astrology - the study that assumes and attempts to interpret the influence of the heavenly bodies on human affairs.
Attachment - A type of haunting where aspirit or entity attaching itself to a person, item or location.
Aura - a subtly pervasive quality or atmosphere seen as emanating from a person, place, or thing.
Automatic Writing – Automatic writing is done when in a trance like state. You write words, sentences, messages, etc without
being aware of what is being written.
Bilocation – The appear of someone in two separate places at the same time.
Black Magic – Using spells or rituals to intentional cause harm to someone.
Black Magic – Using spells or rituals to intentional cause harm to someone.
Channeling – the practice of professedly entering a meditative or trancelike state in order to convey messages from a spiritual guide.
Clairaudience – Obtaining information through hearing words or sounds from other world beings
Clairfragrance - Smelling odors and fragrances when no source is physically present. Often smelling the perfume or cologne of deceases persons. Can also include other environmental smells. (I.e. cigar, coffee, flowers, bacon or any other song odor)
Clairsentient - A person who can communicate messages from other realms without being in a trance like state.
Clairvoyant – The term clairvoyance (from French clair meaning "clear" and voyance meaning "vision") is used to refer to the ability to gain
information about an object, person, location or physical event through means other than the known human senses, a form of extra-sensory perception. A person said to have the ability of clairvoyance is referred to as a clairvoyant ("one who sees clearly").
Cold Spot - Spirits are said to use the energy around them to manifest themselves. When doing this they can pull heat from the air and cause
"cold spots" where they are standing.
Cryptozoology - is a pseudoscience involving the search for animals whose existence has not been proven. This includes looking for living examples of animals that are considered extinct, such as dinosaurs; animals whose existence lacks physical evidence but which appear in myths, legends, or are reported, such as Bigfoot and Chupacabra; and wild animals dramatically outside their normal geographic ranges, such as
phantom cats.
Clairaudience – Obtaining information through hearing words or sounds from other world beings
Clairfragrance - Smelling odors and fragrances when no source is physically present. Often smelling the perfume or cologne of deceases persons. Can also include other environmental smells. (I.e. cigar, coffee, flowers, bacon or any other song odor)
Clairsentient - A person who can communicate messages from other realms without being in a trance like state.
Clairvoyant – The term clairvoyance (from French clair meaning "clear" and voyance meaning "vision") is used to refer to the ability to gain
information about an object, person, location or physical event through means other than the known human senses, a form of extra-sensory perception. A person said to have the ability of clairvoyance is referred to as a clairvoyant ("one who sees clearly").
Cold Spot - Spirits are said to use the energy around them to manifest themselves. When doing this they can pull heat from the air and cause
"cold spots" where they are standing.
Cryptozoology - is a pseudoscience involving the search for animals whose existence has not been proven. This includes looking for living examples of animals that are considered extinct, such as dinosaurs; animals whose existence lacks physical evidence but which appear in myths, legends, or are reported, such as Bigfoot and Chupacabra; and wild animals dramatically outside their normal geographic ranges, such as
phantom cats.
Déjà vu – A feeling that you have met a new person before, done the event that is currently happening before, or that you have visited a new
place before.
Dematerialization – The fading out and in of an object or the complete disappearance of something that apports.
Demonic Haunting - A haunting where a demonic or non-human entity resides within a location. This is often marked by a heavy feeling, anger,
depression (not typical of a person), sulfuric smell, and even physical symptoms of dizziness, nausea, or weakness. Also, once happy homes which suddenly are filled with anger and bickering (for seemingly no reason) can be a prime marker of this type of haunting.
Disembodied voice - When a person or persons hear a voice clear and loud that does not belong to anyone else in the room it is
said that they may have heard a spirit.
Divination – The practice of attempting to foretell future events or discover hidden knowledge by occult or supernatural means. Perception by
intuition; instinctive foresight. The art of using objects or symbols to obtain information.
Displacement - Term used to describe a lack of synchronization during PSI testing in 1939. Often the subject would be one or two cards off in the start of a sequence of playing cards. This is ascribed to “physic noise “ due to the lack of earth time in the higher planes.
Dowsing – Technique used to detect underground water or mineral deposits. Sometimes used to find missing objects or persons. Tools used are
called Dowsing rods, divining rods or a pendulum.
place before.
Dematerialization – The fading out and in of an object or the complete disappearance of something that apports.
Demonic Haunting - A haunting where a demonic or non-human entity resides within a location. This is often marked by a heavy feeling, anger,
depression (not typical of a person), sulfuric smell, and even physical symptoms of dizziness, nausea, or weakness. Also, once happy homes which suddenly are filled with anger and bickering (for seemingly no reason) can be a prime marker of this type of haunting.
Disembodied voice - When a person or persons hear a voice clear and loud that does not belong to anyone else in the room it is
said that they may have heard a spirit.
Divination – The practice of attempting to foretell future events or discover hidden knowledge by occult or supernatural means. Perception by
intuition; instinctive foresight. The art of using objects or symbols to obtain information.
Displacement - Term used to describe a lack of synchronization during PSI testing in 1939. Often the subject would be one or two cards off in the start of a sequence of playing cards. This is ascribed to “physic noise “ due to the lack of earth time in the higher planes.
Dowsing – Technique used to detect underground water or mineral deposits. Sometimes used to find missing objects or persons. Tools used are
called Dowsing rods, divining rods or a pendulum.
Ecstasy– An altered state of awareness where a person is experiencing great rapture and loss of self-control.
Ectoplasm – A thick fluid excreted by mediums when a materialization is occurring. Was said to be common during the Victorian era.
Electrokinesis - Ability to create or control electricity using only the powers of the mind. The person is able to accept, store and discharge electricity at will. Practitioners are able to drain, remotely turn electronic devices on and off thru meditation.
Empath – A person who is sensitive to various forces around them and can “know” the emotions and feelings of people and/or animals in their
Entity - An entity is a broad term used to describe any type of paranormal being from a spirit or ghost to non-human and pretty much
everything in-between. Entity does NOT mean the same thing as "ghost/spirit". Remember a ghost is an entity, however, an entity is not always a ghost.
ESP – Also known as extrasensory perception. The 3 Paranormal subjects that fall under the ESP topic are clairvoyance, telepathy, and
EMF - Electro Magnetic Field; spirits are said to consist of energy using the EMFs to manifest themselves and it is theorized that their
presence can be dectected and documented with the use of EMF detectors.
EVP – An acronym for Electronic Voice Phenomena. This is a method used to communicate with spirits and ghosts in houses and other places they are believed to dwell. It can be done with high tech expensive equipment or everyday items found in most homes. EVP’sare electronically generated noises that resemble speech, but are not the result of intentional voice recordings or renderings. Common sources of EVP include static, stray radio transmissions, and background noise. Erroneous recordings of EVP are often created from background sound by increasing the gain (i.e. sensitivity) of the recording equipment.
Evocation – A chant said to conjure an entity that is external to the summoner.
Exorcism – A rite or ritual used to drive spirits or demons from the body of a human or even a room of a house. Sometimes referred to as
Ectoplasm – A thick fluid excreted by mediums when a materialization is occurring. Was said to be common during the Victorian era.
Electrokinesis - Ability to create or control electricity using only the powers of the mind. The person is able to accept, store and discharge electricity at will. Practitioners are able to drain, remotely turn electronic devices on and off thru meditation.
Empath – A person who is sensitive to various forces around them and can “know” the emotions and feelings of people and/or animals in their
Entity - An entity is a broad term used to describe any type of paranormal being from a spirit or ghost to non-human and pretty much
everything in-between. Entity does NOT mean the same thing as "ghost/spirit". Remember a ghost is an entity, however, an entity is not always a ghost.
ESP – Also known as extrasensory perception. The 3 Paranormal subjects that fall under the ESP topic are clairvoyance, telepathy, and
EMF - Electro Magnetic Field; spirits are said to consist of energy using the EMFs to manifest themselves and it is theorized that their
presence can be dectected and documented with the use of EMF detectors.
EVP – An acronym for Electronic Voice Phenomena. This is a method used to communicate with spirits and ghosts in houses and other places they are believed to dwell. It can be done with high tech expensive equipment or everyday items found in most homes. EVP’sare electronically generated noises that resemble speech, but are not the result of intentional voice recordings or renderings. Common sources of EVP include static, stray radio transmissions, and background noise. Erroneous recordings of EVP are often created from background sound by increasing the gain (i.e. sensitivity) of the recording equipment.
Evocation – A chant said to conjure an entity that is external to the summoner.
Exorcism – A rite or ritual used to drive spirits or demons from the body of a human or even a room of a house. Sometimes referred to as
Fetish - An object that is thought to represent spirits or exert magical powers. They are often used in animalistic traditions to show the union of supernatural and natural.
Focal Person - This is the person who is the center of poltergeist activity. It is often a female approaching or in puberty. The person is not always aware they are the focus of the activity.
Fuji - is a method of "planchette writing; spirit writing; automatic writing" using a suspended sieve or tray to guide a stick which writes Chinese characters in sand or incense ashes. Spirit-writing has a long history in Chinese folk religion, and is first recorded during the Liu Song Dynasty (420-479 CE). Fuji planchette-writing became popular during the Song Dynasty (960-1279), when authors like Shen Kuo and Su Shi
associated its origins with summoning Zigu "Purple Maiden", the Spirit of the Latrine. Fuji divination flourished during the Ming Dynasty, and the Jiajing Emperor ( 1522-1566) built a special jitan "planchette altar" in the Forbidden City. Although the practice of fuji planchette-writing was prohibited by the Qing Dynasty (1644-1912) Legal Code, it has continued and is currently practiced at Daoist temples in Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Malaysia as well as folk shrines in China. Fuji is particularly associated with the Quanzhen School of Daoism. The Daozang "Daoist
Canon" contains several scriptures supposedly written through spirit-writing.
Focal Person - This is the person who is the center of poltergeist activity. It is often a female approaching or in puberty. The person is not always aware they are the focus of the activity.
Fuji - is a method of "planchette writing; spirit writing; automatic writing" using a suspended sieve or tray to guide a stick which writes Chinese characters in sand or incense ashes. Spirit-writing has a long history in Chinese folk religion, and is first recorded during the Liu Song Dynasty (420-479 CE). Fuji planchette-writing became popular during the Song Dynasty (960-1279), when authors like Shen Kuo and Su Shi
associated its origins with summoning Zigu "Purple Maiden", the Spirit of the Latrine. Fuji divination flourished during the Ming Dynasty, and the Jiajing Emperor ( 1522-1566) built a special jitan "planchette altar" in the Forbidden City. Although the practice of fuji planchette-writing was prohibited by the Qing Dynasty (1644-1912) Legal Code, it has continued and is currently practiced at Daoist temples in Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Malaysia as well as folk shrines in China. Fuji is particularly associated with the Quanzhen School of Daoism. The Daozang "Daoist
Canon" contains several scriptures supposedly written through spirit-writing.
Ghost – The spirit body of someone who has passed away from this plane of existence. A ghost or spirit is the essence of a person who has
passed on in death. At times a person's 'spirit' can linger due to traumatic events, sudden death, or the deceased having 'unfinished business' to attend. Not all ghosts are aware that they have died.
Glossolalia- incomprehensible speech in an imaginary language, sometimes occurring in a trance state, an episode of religious ecstasy, or schizophrenia. Often known as Speaking in tongues.
Guide or Spirit Guide – This is thought to be an entity for the purpose of guiding someone through their lives. This could be an ancestor, a
soul mate who isn’t on this plane yet, or beings who specific purpose is to be a spirit guide.
passed on in death. At times a person's 'spirit' can linger due to traumatic events, sudden death, or the deceased having 'unfinished business' to attend. Not all ghosts are aware that they have died.
Glossolalia- incomprehensible speech in an imaginary language, sometimes occurring in a trance state, an episode of religious ecstasy, or schizophrenia. Often known as Speaking in tongues.
Guide or Spirit Guide – This is thought to be an entity for the purpose of guiding someone through their lives. This could be an ancestor, a
soul mate who isn’t on this plane yet, or beings who specific purpose is to be a spirit guide.
Haunting – Paranormal activity in a place. This can be apparitions, ghosts, unexplained sounds, unexplained smells, etc over a period
of time with a certain location. This occurs where an entity has attached itself to a person/item/ or location and regularly manifests itself. There are four main types of haunting Residual, Intelligent, and Poltergeist, and Demonic.
Hex - Also known as a curse. Used to bring “evil” or bad things into someone’s life.
House Blessing - A ritual performed Where by a home is cleansed of negativity and evil is said to be warded off. Sometimes a home can require more then one blessing to accomplish what is needed.
Hypnagogic state - State between awake and asleep where the mind is believed to be most open and receptive to ideas, impressions intuition, and feelings. Believed to be a great time for the subconscious to speak to the conscious mind.
Hypnopompic state - State between asleep and awake where the mind is believed to be most open and receptive to ideas, impressions intuition, and feelings. Harder state to work in then hypnologic state.
Hypnosis – An altered state of consciousness where you are susceptible to suggestions or can delve deeper into your subconscious for answers.
of time with a certain location. This occurs where an entity has attached itself to a person/item/ or location and regularly manifests itself. There are four main types of haunting Residual, Intelligent, and Poltergeist, and Demonic.
Hex - Also known as a curse. Used to bring “evil” or bad things into someone’s life.
House Blessing - A ritual performed Where by a home is cleansed of negativity and evil is said to be warded off. Sometimes a home can require more then one blessing to accomplish what is needed.
Hypnagogic state - State between awake and asleep where the mind is believed to be most open and receptive to ideas, impressions intuition, and feelings. Believed to be a great time for the subconscious to speak to the conscious mind.
Hypnopompic state - State between asleep and awake where the mind is believed to be most open and receptive to ideas, impressions intuition, and feelings. Harder state to work in then hypnologic state.
Hypnosis – An altered state of consciousness where you are susceptible to suggestions or can delve deeper into your subconscious for answers.
Illusion – An appearance that causes you to see something that might truly not be there.
Indirect voice – A spirit uses the medium to speak to whomever is in the room with the medium. Oftentimes, the voice coming from the medium is
not the normal voice he/she has.
Intelligent haunting - These haunting are the ones with a spirit actually present. In these haunting the spirit intentionally interacts with the living. The spirits here are able be responsive to questions, and requests to make noise and such (though they aren't puppets and won't 'dance' on command). This is the traditional haunting most people think of when they think of ghosts.
Invocation - Unlike Envocation, these activities are often internal to the summoner
1. The act of invoking or calling upon a deity, spirit, etc., for aid, protection, inspiration, or the like; supplication.
2. Any petitioning or supplication for help or aid.
3. A form of prayer invoking God's presence, especially one said at the beginning of a religious service or public ceremony.
4. The act of calling upon a spirit by incantation.
Instrumental Trans-Communication - (ITC) was coined by Ernst Senkowski in the 1970s to refer more generally to communication
through any sort of electronic device such as tape recorders, fax machines, television sets or computers between spirits or other discarnate entities and the living. One particularly famous claimed incidence of ITC occurred when the image of EVP enthusiast Friedrich Jürgenson (whose funeral was held that day) was said to have appeared on a television in the home of a colleague, which had been purposefully tuned to a vacant channel. ITC enthusiasts also look at TV and video camera feedback loop of the droste effect.
Indirect voice – A spirit uses the medium to speak to whomever is in the room with the medium. Oftentimes, the voice coming from the medium is
not the normal voice he/she has.
Intelligent haunting - These haunting are the ones with a spirit actually present. In these haunting the spirit intentionally interacts with the living. The spirits here are able be responsive to questions, and requests to make noise and such (though they aren't puppets and won't 'dance' on command). This is the traditional haunting most people think of when they think of ghosts.
Invocation - Unlike Envocation, these activities are often internal to the summoner
1. The act of invoking or calling upon a deity, spirit, etc., for aid, protection, inspiration, or the like; supplication.
2. Any petitioning or supplication for help or aid.
3. A form of prayer invoking God's presence, especially one said at the beginning of a religious service or public ceremony.
4. The act of calling upon a spirit by incantation.
Instrumental Trans-Communication - (ITC) was coined by Ernst Senkowski in the 1970s to refer more generally to communication
through any sort of electronic device such as tape recorders, fax machines, television sets or computers between spirits or other discarnate entities and the living. One particularly famous claimed incidence of ITC occurred when the image of EVP enthusiast Friedrich Jürgenson (whose funeral was held that day) was said to have appeared on a television in the home of a colleague, which had been purposefully tuned to a vacant channel. ITC enthusiasts also look at TV and video camera feedback loop of the droste effect.
Kirlian Photography – A type of camera that can take a picture that shows the aura of a person.
Materialization - The appearance of solid objects out of thin air.Medium - A person who can communicate with the spirit world, they most often can hear spirits talk as well as feeling their presence in an area.
Metaphysics – Literally means beyond physics. Any unexplainable happenings that science can’t explain or have a reason for happening are usually branched under this term.
Metaphysics – Literally means beyond physics. Any unexplainable happenings that science can’t explain or have a reason for happening are usually branched under this term.
Non - Human Haunting - Haunting done from an entity that is non human in origin. This could be demonic, angelic, elemental, fae or some other nature type spirit.
Occult – Means “hidden”. Although many occult practices are no longer hidden as they once were, what was once considered odd or strange
practices are usually defined as occult by mainstream society.
Orbs – Circles of light in photographs that some see as evidence of spirits in the vicinity of the environment the photo is being taken. Skeptics
like to claim this is just light being reflected off of dust particles or insects.
Out of Body Experience (OBE) - An experience where a person feels they can step out of their physical body and travel with their astral body to far off places.
practices are usually defined as occult by mainstream society.
Orbs – Circles of light in photographs that some see as evidence of spirits in the vicinity of the environment the photo is being taken. Skeptics
like to claim this is just light being reflected off of dust particles or insects.
Out of Body Experience (OBE) - An experience where a person feels they can step out of their physical body and travel with their astral body to far off places.
Paranormal - Beyond the normal of human or scientific explanation. Any phenomena occurring that is outside of 'the norm' that cannot be explained could be considered paranormal. Paranormal is often used to describe spirits but, can also be applied to other odd happenings as well.
Parapychology – The branch of psychology that deals with the investigation of purportedly psychic phenomena, as clairvoyance, extrasensory perception, telepathy, and the like.
Phantom smell - Also known as olfactory hallucination or phantosmia. It's when you smell something that is not there. Paranormally this
can be a form of communication from the dead.
Poltergeist Haunting -This type of haunting is not caused by a spirit but is rather caused by a person living in the home. Most often occurring in homes where teenagers are present or women going through menopause, these haunts are caused by intense emotion. What may occurs is, the person experiencing intense emotion causes changes in the electro magnetic fields and can cause things to happen around them with out realizing it. At times spirits can be present or attracted to the intense energy but this haunting is not caused by them and they do not need to be present for it to occur. (One of the most rare haunting)
Possession - When an entity attempts to control a person's actions or words (making stark changes appear in their personality) by entering and taking subliminal control of the person's mind for a span of time. Extremely rare phenomena - sensitive / psychics are most at risk.
Psychokinetic - One who is able to perform the alteration of the state of an object by mental influence alone, without any physical intervention .
Precognition – knowing beforehand, sometimes people have dreams then the next day or some time later the events occur. Sometimes déjà vu’ is
felt because of this.
Psychic – person who is able to use divination methods such as a crystal ball, tarot cards, etc. to tell about someone’s future or answer questions a seeker has about their life. This term has become a grey area. Some define it as a person who can see into the future and/or tell things about a living person or their life using the spirits/angles/fairies/etc to guide them to these answers ( a bit different from a medium). Some use this as a catchall term to lump all sensitive gifted persons together as in stating they have "psychic gifts" and such.
Psychometry – the ability to touch an object a “read” the imprints of energy on that object to tell about the history or owner of the object.
Parapychology – The branch of psychology that deals with the investigation of purportedly psychic phenomena, as clairvoyance, extrasensory perception, telepathy, and the like.
Phantom smell - Also known as olfactory hallucination or phantosmia. It's when you smell something that is not there. Paranormally this
can be a form of communication from the dead.
Poltergeist Haunting -This type of haunting is not caused by a spirit but is rather caused by a person living in the home. Most often occurring in homes where teenagers are present or women going through menopause, these haunts are caused by intense emotion. What may occurs is, the person experiencing intense emotion causes changes in the electro magnetic fields and can cause things to happen around them with out realizing it. At times spirits can be present or attracted to the intense energy but this haunting is not caused by them and they do not need to be present for it to occur. (One of the most rare haunting)
Possession - When an entity attempts to control a person's actions or words (making stark changes appear in their personality) by entering and taking subliminal control of the person's mind for a span of time. Extremely rare phenomena - sensitive / psychics are most at risk.
Psychokinetic - One who is able to perform the alteration of the state of an object by mental influence alone, without any physical intervention .
Precognition – knowing beforehand, sometimes people have dreams then the next day or some time later the events occur. Sometimes déjà vu’ is
felt because of this.
Psychic – person who is able to use divination methods such as a crystal ball, tarot cards, etc. to tell about someone’s future or answer questions a seeker has about their life. This term has become a grey area. Some define it as a person who can see into the future and/or tell things about a living person or their life using the spirits/angles/fairies/etc to guide them to these answers ( a bit different from a medium). Some use this as a catchall term to lump all sensitive gifted persons together as in stating they have "psychic gifts" and such.
Psychometry – the ability to touch an object a “read” the imprints of energy on that object to tell about the history or owner of the object.
Quija Board - A divinization tool developed in the Victorian era to allow non-sensitive to conduct their own séance's to communicate with the spirit world without the need for a medium. (Almost all experienced paranormal researchers advise against the use of these instruments as you open a portal with the board and you can unintentionally invite a malevolent spirit or worse into your home! Once invited they can be difficult to convince to leave.) Commercially introduced on July 1st, 1890. They are similar to an older form of automatic writing called Fuji (see Fuji)
Rapping - Assumed means of spirit communications often during a séance that involved spirits rapping, banging or knocking in response to questions. It is also often evident in Poltergeist activities and haunting.
Remote viewing or RV – is also referred to as remote perception, enhanced perception, extrasensory perception (ESP). It means being able to be in one place but see something happening in another place or another time.
Residual Haunting - A reoccurring haunt like a video loop in time. Generally these types of haunting are caused by energy rather then a spirit. These types of haunting are an imprint of time and cannot respond as there is no one there it's just like a memory. They will do the same action, sound, scene over and over never changing.
Retrocognition - The ability to looking the past through psychic means. A form of this is often called “past life recall”.
Remote viewing or RV – is also referred to as remote perception, enhanced perception, extrasensory perception (ESP). It means being able to be in one place but see something happening in another place or another time.
Residual Haunting - A reoccurring haunt like a video loop in time. Generally these types of haunting are caused by energy rather then a spirit. These types of haunting are an imprint of time and cannot respond as there is no one there it's just like a memory. They will do the same action, sound, scene over and over never changing.
Retrocognition - The ability to looking the past through psychic means. A form of this is often called “past life recall”.
Sageing - An alternative form of cleansing or house blessing where a sage bundle is lit to smoke and then taken around and used to cleanse a home
or property of negativity and evil. (Native American in origin - often practiced by new age or alternative religions)
Séance - Usually held with a medium present a séance is where a group of people attempt to communicate with the spirit world by 'calling forth' spirits to come and make their presence known. (This should not be conducted by the inexperienced (or anyone) and most paranormal groups tend to stay away from performing these for the same reasons as the qujia boads. See qujia board.)
Scrying – an umbrella term used to define methods of divination that may be considered forms of ESP. Some scrying methods include the use of water, dowsing rods, a crystal ball, flames of a candle, etc.
Shadow People - Are supernatural shadow-like humanoid figures that, according to believers, are seen flickering on walls and ceilings in the viewer's peripheral vision.They are often reported moving with quick, jerky movements, and quickly disintegrate into walls or mirrors. They are believed to be evil and aggressive in nature, although a few people consider them to be a form of guardian angel.
Smudging - A traditional Native American method of using smoke from burning herbs to purify a space. (see sageing)
Speaking in tongues - A form of glossolalia in which a person experiencing religious ecstasy utters incomprehensible sounds that the
speaker believes are a language spoken through him or her by a deity.
Sensitive - A sensitive person is one who can communicate with, see, or feel the spirit world or any combination there of. Some can also pick up things like emotions from the living as well. A sensitive is not necessarily a psychic or a medium.
or property of negativity and evil. (Native American in origin - often practiced by new age or alternative religions)
Séance - Usually held with a medium present a séance is where a group of people attempt to communicate with the spirit world by 'calling forth' spirits to come and make their presence known. (This should not be conducted by the inexperienced (or anyone) and most paranormal groups tend to stay away from performing these for the same reasons as the qujia boads. See qujia board.)
Scrying – an umbrella term used to define methods of divination that may be considered forms of ESP. Some scrying methods include the use of water, dowsing rods, a crystal ball, flames of a candle, etc.
Shadow People - Are supernatural shadow-like humanoid figures that, according to believers, are seen flickering on walls and ceilings in the viewer's peripheral vision.They are often reported moving with quick, jerky movements, and quickly disintegrate into walls or mirrors. They are believed to be evil and aggressive in nature, although a few people consider them to be a form of guardian angel.
Smudging - A traditional Native American method of using smoke from burning herbs to purify a space. (see sageing)
Speaking in tongues - A form of glossolalia in which a person experiencing religious ecstasy utters incomprehensible sounds that the
speaker believes are a language spoken through him or her by a deity.
Sensitive - A sensitive person is one who can communicate with, see, or feel the spirit world or any combination there of. Some can also pick up things like emotions from the living as well. A sensitive is not necessarily a psychic or a medium.
Tagging - (or Audio Tagging ) - When conducting an EVP session or rolling recording session an investigator must "tag" any noises made by
investigators or outside influences that could later be mistaken for paranormal phenomena. (like a sneeze, car horn, bell toll, clock chime etc..) You tag audio by saying a statement like "I just dropped my flashlight, or picking up my recorder." When audio tagging is used your evidence becomes more credible and believable.
Telekinesis – The ability to move an object without physically touching it.
Telepathy – The ability to “hear” what others are thinking. Also seen as mind to mind communications.
Thoughtography - Phenomenon where thoughts are projected onto photographic film.
investigators or outside influences that could later be mistaken for paranormal phenomena. (like a sneeze, car horn, bell toll, clock chime etc..) You tag audio by saying a statement like "I just dropped my flashlight, or picking up my recorder." When audio tagging is used your evidence becomes more credible and believable.
Telekinesis – The ability to move an object without physically touching it.
Telepathy – The ability to “hear” what others are thinking. Also seen as mind to mind communications.
Thoughtography - Phenomenon where thoughts are projected onto photographic film.
U.F.O.- Unidentified flying object
Vortex - Term applied to photographic anomalies which display a spiral motion. This term is also used to describe a portal between worlds.
White Magic – Using spells or rituals to intentional cause healing or benifits to someone.